Something to reach for, something to work toward, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, or a purpose for taking care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally - they all add up to goals. When I was in an emotional upheaval, goals were something which other people had - people with education, looks, money and talent. But certainly not me. I did not realize goals were personal guidelines which I could use to improve the quality of my life. Any part of my life that needs to be changed is an opportunity for goal-setting. Physically I could have a weight loss goal, a quit smoking goal, or a physical fitness goal. Mentally I could have a goal to change an attitude, a goal to broaden my interests and increase my knowledge, or a goal to read a good book every week. Emotionally my goal is for serenity, which can be gained by learning to "live and let live" and to roll with the punches.
Help me see a real need for change and to pick a goal and go for it.
The only thing keeping me from my goal is me.
Emotions Anonymous, Order Today
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