As on the highways there are directional signs in my lfe which warn me of possible mishaps, signs such as HALT, which remind me never to get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. My behavior can be, and often is, affected by any of those four feelings. If I am careful of my habits and try to be reasonable and balanced with my life, I can avoid much pain. My body tells me when it is tired or hungry. I must watch for my body's red light when says "Stop." It is time to rest or eat. My mind tells me when I am angry and lonely. I must watch for my mind's amber light which says, "Slow down." Paying attention to my own signals is as important as following highway signs.
Help me to see all of the signs in my life.
I will watch for my red, amber, and green lights.
Emotions Anonymous, Order Today
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