Suicide is the ultimate act of desperation. It is the final giving up. Life is over! No more goals, not more hopes, no more dreams. Maybe we feel that is what we want. Many of us have contemplated suicide; many more probably will. What has held us back? For me it was the knowledge of what it would do to my family. My father and an aunt both committed suicide, and I remembered what those experiences had done to me. No matter how hopeless my life was, and it was pretty bad, I could not leave my loved ones with those same feelings. As long as there is life, there is hope - an old cliché but still very true. Life can, and will, get better. Turn it over to your Higher Power and wait one more day.
Oh, God, when my loved ones took their own lives, it left me feeling abandoned and angry. Help me understand that when I have problems, I can turn them to someone for help.
I can live this one day - one hour at a time.
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